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Zhihong Wang


Active since 2000

Wang Zhi-Hong’s book designs and cover creations are the epitome of retaining a sense of personal style, while still answering the brief. Wang is a graphic designer based in Taiwan and has been working in his studio of the same name for 16 years. He has won numerous awards for his book design and it’s no surprise with Wang’s ability to distil numerous topics into one single communicative cover.

Many of his covers adopt a graphic approach using a mixture of text with marks and shapes. Even after the initial exoticism of Mandarin script delicately placed on these tomes, there’s a consistent beauty and elegance to Wang’s portfolio through the work’s simplicity and composition. Wang has a defined style, which sees him respectfully draw elements from Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese and western culture, which is what makes his work so universally appealing.

More resource to know Zhihong Wang :

Wang Zhi Hong, Taiwan’s Award-Winning Book Designer

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