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Xu Wang


Active since 1986

Wang Xu is probably mainland China’s most celebrated graphic designer, and is the founder of wx-design.


Wang Xu graduated from the Design Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1979, and worked in Hong Kong as a graphic designer between 1986 to 1995 before returning to Guangzhou to found his own studio.

He is a member of Alliance Graphique Internationale, the New York Type Director’s Club and the New York Art Directors’ Club. He has won numerous major awards including the silver medal at the 77th New York Art Directors Club Annual Awards and an ICOGRADA award of excellence.

Wang Xu and Associates is aligned with two leading international design studios, Emery Vincent Design and Studio Dumbar.

His Work has been collected by European public museums and published in numerous publications including IDEA, Graphis and the AIGA Journal of Graphic Design.

More resource to know Wang Xu :

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